Friday, 27 November 2009

FCP Slideshow

powerpoint fcp -

We were given a task in which we were to answer ll the questions in the slide about Final Cut Pro , in return this would not only improve our skills, but it would also help others who wish to learn more bout how to use final cut pro and its shortcuts.

Whilst uploading this I had some difficulties as it was the wrong format, i tried using Google docs, but in the end after changing formats and trying different ways of uploading it i found 'doc stoc' which worked ! YEY.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


This was the proposal for my Soundscape:

My soundscape would take place in a School Hall around Lunch time. The duration of the Soundscape is to be 3 to 4 minutes.

I would start recording in the empty lunch hall, alike to John Cage’s 4.33 i would be recording ‘silence’, although noises such as plates being set out, doors opening and footsteps would be apparent in the distance.

The School lunch bell would then ring; this abrupt and loud interruption would bring a new ‘chapter’ to the piece and would be a very clear transition of sound.

My soundsape would continue to the sound of children entering the lunch hall, at first a few footsteps and voices will be heard,( I like the thought of the anticipation the listener will have after hearing the bell)and then as they cram onto the hall conversing, eating and running the soundscape would have turned into an indecipherable array of sounds.

I would like for the bell to come in the middle of my soundscape to emphasise the contrast between the different types of sound.

Although when I got to the school some of the children were already in the school hall practicing music so i didn't get the silence i was hoping for. Although i quite liked the differences i encountered. I also went around the hall during lunch and found other sounds i hadn't necessarily thought of, for example, change in the cash register and footsteps down the hall.

soviet montage

Untitled from chloe sibs on Vimeo.

We were given an archive of old footage. When looking through the footage I decided to place images together that wouldn't necessarily usually go, then people could make their own interpretation on the film.

The edit I was most pleased with is at the end where I have placed two sections of the same film over each other but I made one go backward and the other forward. When I made them less opaque the effect was ghostlike.

The music we were given was 'America Is Waiting by Brian Eno&David Byrne'

I think the music went well, it sounded quite mechanical. It also sounded quite strange and repetitive so it went with the randomness of the clips I used. The repetitiveness was mirrored when I went back and forth between images.

When working on this monatge there was problems when looking back through it, some clips wernt playing, or were jumping, so it was hard to totally see what the final montage would look like. But I am pleased with the outcome.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Video Montage

Untitled from chloe sibs on Vimeo.

The theme I chose for my montage was the transition from day to night. I think I got a good amount of photos to work with , although I feel some were not as good quality as others. I liked the editing I did at the beginning with the split screen and the fast paced photos later in the montage, I think this almost appeared as if it were film.

I think I should have made a neater ending. I think the abrupt finish of the flashing photos doesn't totally go with the music.
The music I used was Sinnerman, the felix remix. I think the music complimented the piece. I think the fade in of the music goes well with the fade up of the image as well.

I think I did do well with this montage but I think the length and quality of photos could be improved and maybe if I included some film it would have looked more professional.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Voice edit

I was given an unedited voice which i had to improve to sound professional. I did this by cutting unnecessary breaths and incorrect script out. To listen to my edited voice click here.

Logic Demo

In the Logic demo I created a sample of loops, I used different beats and rhythms to create an audio track.I used tools such as cut and i changed the volume on different sections on the track to make some of the loops louder than others.

Here is my track for you to listen to : Click here