We were given the short script for 'the wrong day' We were then asked to write a shot list as if we were actually going to film this. This shows us which order we should shoot the film.
For example if throughout the film it is scripted that the same location is used on different occasions, it is best to film all those scenes together, this is much more logical than going back and forward in the order of the film.

We used Celtex to storyboard 'the wrong day'. We wrote the shots, included a birds eye view sketch of the shot, including camera angles etc. We then took quick photos to illustrate what we want the camera to actually see.
This would be really useful when filming as it would minimise the amount of instructions you would have to shell out, making the filming quicker.
Making a cup of tea
After story boarding for this short film, I made an instructional storyboard for making a cup of tea. I think I learnt alot by breaking down each scene and thinking where the camera should be etc, it helped me to really think about each of my shots in detail and how they should be laid out. This will help me later on when we make our own film.

We watched a scene from the film 'BULLITT'. It was the car scene in which Bullitt ( Steve McQueen) was in a car chase with two baddies.
In our groups we were asked to take a screen grab of each new camera angle/shot, and then write the camera shots i.e Close up/ Wide shot, and then to give a brief description of what happened in the shot.
This really helped to break a film scene down, and made me notice certain things alot more, I saw how often shots changed, as when you are watching a film as you are involved you dont seem to notice. Also it helped me take into account how nothing is a 'mistake' and all the shots are positioned that way for a reason, and there is always mise en scene and cinematography behind each of the shots. For example there was a low angle close up on the face of the baddie, the baddie was wearing black signifying evil, and the low angle creates power and fear toward the baddie, on the other hand Bullitt, (the good guy) the camera is angled at eye level making it easier for the audience to relate to him, you can also see his whole face, rather than the shadowed baddie, this makes the audience feel as if they know him more.