Saturday, 30 January 2010

My six atmospheric photos

Given the task to take these 6 photos I knew just the place which would be photogenic and would be atmospheric as well.
I went to Buddahhapadipa in Wimbledon.

When I arrived it was just getting dark and had been snowing,snow was also still failing, this really added to the temple and grounds looking mysterious.The whole of the grounds were empty and extremely quiet. The lakes were frozen and it felt very serene

I used a Nikon D3000 Digital camera SLR, I found this camera really nice to use, but as it was getting dark it was finding it hard to focus. Although I then played with the shutter speeds and made some of my photos slightly blurred to give them a more eerie effect.

I liked the colours that have stood out from the photos. For example photo number 3 has a predominant wash of purple over it, I like this effect. Also picture number 2 looks as though it has been shot in sepia, but this was just the warm lighting from inside the temple shining through. I really like the effect I created in photo 4 in which I have slightly shaken the camera and it appears that there is a ghost there, I think this looks particularly atmospheric.

The first photo I have taken, I feel, looks as if it were in a fairy tale or magical land. As it had been snowing all the grounds, as well as the sky, were the same colour as the temple.The golds and oranges really stand out, giving a richness to this photo. Photo number 5 really reminds me of a Japanese painting. I like how there is a natural gradient, from the white snow turning yellow, to orange finishing in a deep red at the top of the photograph. The silhouette of the tree looks very lonely and ghostlike. I used the flash , I hadn't in the others, but I think the lit up leaves in the top right hand corner help to bring another aspect to the photo and giving it more depth s you can see the fore and background.

The last photo in this set I think looks very grand and important. I like how the lighting on the top right has created a shadow. Also I have taken this photo from a slightly lower angle, this creates a feeling of importance and as the door is in the centre of the image it feels as though you are being drawn inside.

Although I am pleased with the outcome of the photos, I think that they do not look like they go together as a 'set'. They have different feels to them , for instance the strong crisp staircase has a very different style to the purple ghostly house.

Also if I were to take these photos again I think I would have spent the whole day there to get photos in all different types of light.

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