I requested to be a volunteer at the 'BBC West Sports Personality'. This was situated in the sports department in Bath University. I was given the role of 'Arena team' in which we were to usher spectators through the venue, and we were also expected to operate the ticket desk.
I found the experience insightful, as once we had shown everyone to their seats etc, we were asked to stand by the side lines, here I got to experience the backstage. I saw all the technical aspects of the show. And it was interesting seeing all the production team telling the presenters to go on, also seeing the presenters practicing their lines behind stage, it was funny to see them being so different when they were off camera, to when they were on. I also sneaked over and touched one of the awards, just to say I had ! whayyyy!
If the chance comes along again, I think I would take it up as not only is it a good experience, but I also had a feel for what working in that type of area would be like, and I had a fun night in which i met lots of people.
To see a round up of the whoole show click here.
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