Although this was a mocumntarty and we are doing a featurette, it was very useful to see the content they included. This made me think about our feturette and what we should include.
I browsed the internet in search of inspiration for our featurette, looking at interviews and live shot gigs.
I found this T4 music special with Mariah Carey. I like in this feature they have changed locations, and done many different interviews so you can see different sides of her. I thought the ending rounded the feature off nicely as after the show he catches up with her to ask how the show went. I would like to include this in our featurette.
Click on this link to see another documentary that has inspired me.
I really like the switch between performance and interview in this short programme. Also i think the lack of presenter works in their favour. The show seems toput the band in question in the spotlight more and you feel like you are watching something completely about them.
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