Sadly I cant put the sound edit up as it will break copyright rules!
In this exercise we were asked to look at a clip from the film 'City Of God', if you click here and watch from 3:56 to 4:30 this is the clip we used. We were given this clip with no sound and we were asked to create a 'soundscape' to fit it. I created my soundscape on Soundtrack Pro and used sounds from the library on there but I also used sounds from 'sound dogs', which is a sound effects website. I found this very useful as it was actual sounds people had recorded which sometimes fitted better than the soundtrack pro sound effects. Also this would make my soundscape different to others in my class.
I tried to make my piece quite realistic using diegetic sounds, for example when the football hits the wood I used a 'bang',also I used police sirens when there was a shot of the police cars. Aswell as using diegetic sound I thought it would be interesting to include both non-diegetic and meta-diegetic sound. When the boy looks up and sees the police and the gang I used a high pitched sound as if to portray the fear he was feeling. Finally I used non diagetic sound for when the camera span round him. I used a 'whish' of a baseball bat and the sound of a jet plane to emphasize the quick spinning edit. I found all these sounds fitted well.
I really enjoyed this task as it felt as though I brought another dimension to the piece, and I found it very interesting that with different sounds that I used a different atmosphere was created.
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